Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Full Speed Ahead


I had full intentions of posting a blog right after the Holiday break, honest I did.

I ended up hitting the ground running with both feet and have just now had the chance to take a breath and look around.

As for the holiday’s themselves, they were excellent. It’s tradition in my family to contribute to the community, and I’m proud to say we made Christmas special for over 200 people this year.



Give more than you get, and it comes back on you 10 fold.

I’m especially proud to report that my friends at Sinthetics got into the spirit in a big way this year my helping to make a huge contribution to Toys for Tots.


All our friends in the LA Area donated generously, enabling Sinthetics to also drop off over 200 cans of food to the LA Food Bank.

What an amazing holiday. I hope yours was just as awesome.

Well, before the break I talked a little about The Discovery Channel and their interest in doing a segment about us.

Well, I’m happy to say that’s moving forward. The show will focus on the ‘business’ of Poly-Life. Specifically, the people who have careers inside the lifestyle. From the artists that create our perfect companions, to the seamstresses who custom fit our clothes, and of course all of us at Maddy G Productions that work on the Regarding Jenny and It’s A Tasha Thing shows.


And speaking of TV, you may have heard that Jenny Densuke and Karen McCoy of Regarding Jenny have been talking to a casting director at VH1.

I know how nervous some of you got at this news, but believe me… offers to tell the “Girl Loves Love Doll” story on TV are plentiful. If they are still talking, then it’s something more than THAT.

So, we’ll see what happens.

Right now the Erie, PA. area is underneath a couple feet of snow, which makes doing much of anything that much more difficult.

However, I do have a photo shoot scheduled for this week and I’ve gotten back to work on what will now be the 2nd Series of the ‘Tasha Show’.

The show got off to such a slow start that my life has far surpassed the story as it was flowing on the show. I’m going to condense the rest and catch everyone up, so as my show continues (thanks to my sponsors) it will start making sense to everyone who has been following my adventure all along.

Now, someone light a fire, before I burn the house down.

<3 Tasha

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tasha......

    I know I've never written before but I really will miss your show and Jenny's.........


